by Peter Dive | Jun 10, 2015 | Climbing Frames
Play Crazy Climbing Frame Installation Service Climbing frames can be a time-consuming and fiddly job to assemble as there are many fixtures and fittings that must be used in the correct place especially with larger climbing frames, there can be a lot of...
by Peter Dive | Jun 10, 2015 | Climbing Frames
Commercial Climbing Frames for Schools Climbing frames from Play Crazy are designed for both commercial premises and domestic use also. Our commercial grade play frames can be installed on commercial premises such as schools, nurseries, public parks and...
by Peter Dive | Jun 10, 2015 | Climbing Frames
Enclosed Play Houses for Play Crazy Climbing Frames Play Crazy climbing frames are designed as modular play frames with many different exciting accessories and packages to pick and choose from. Play Crazy playsets are engineered from the highest quality...